Hi Everyone, I am looking for a replacement for my "stock" Scarab alternator. I want an internal regulator and higher amps than the factory 60amps. Does anyone have a recommendation, part number, manufacturer that will fit with the SBC engine with a long water pump? I currently have the stock Scarab brackets that align the alternator with the belt.
Thanks for the info!
Allen Young
75 Scarab Z

If you can live with 100 amps a 10 si or 12 si will work with your same mount. My old 12 si is sitting on the shelf if you're interested.
My Powermaster alternator and billet bracket
I went with a Powermaster 140 amp unit that I bought from Summit along with a billet bracket with a turnbuckle style adjuster. It has worked great for the last year. The alternator is part # PWM-478021. I'll post a pic shortly
Summit also has pigtails to adapt from one style alternator to another if you don't want to change the plug.